Vertigo is the emotion that vibrates most in Clareou

by Isabela Larangeira

Vertigo is the emotion that vibrates most in Clareou – Conversa para Boi Leão to sleep, which brings the invention in the title and grabs the reader with the prose of a man who opens his eyes to his dreams and redesigns his life with traces of sweetness, creativity , enchantment and madness. This entire special universe enters our retinas through the author's photos that illustrate the pages. An excellent storyteller, Sérgio Siqueira manages to maintain, in his writing, the same rhythm and humor as his unbelievable and delicious stories, many of which were lived in Vale do Capão – his magical refuge.

car trip capão guinea mucugê road - chapada diamantina bahia brazil

Fingers run through the pages lined with hauntings – or livusias –, species of extraterrestrials, trees that communicate, killers, interviews and curiosities from the hippie era of the 70s. Priceless memories, such as his walks through cemeteries, where he even deposited books about graves – to donate to those who visit their dead – or the addictive trip of a friend who stopped talking to his mother-in-law after, in a fit of madness, he threw spoonfuls of his pumpkin jam, “a secret family recipe”, at the ceiling.

The best of all, however, is realizing the sensitivity of an adult who still has the playful gift of seeing soul in dolls, like the cloth rabbit he bought: “You knew the animal had one screw missing”.

It's bright, it's bright.

Opening text of the book written by Isabela Larangeira

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