2023: a Solislunic year

End of the year. Time to take stock of what we have experienced in the last 12 months. And I begin the text by stating that the word that summarizes our 2023 is: GRATITUDE! Written like this, in big letters, capital letters, capital letters. Like someone screaming. A cry of happiness, of course! After all, this is the year Solisluna turns 30.

It was a year of celebration, designed precisely to be memorable for us, our partners and readers. We promoted several actions, but one of them particularly caught our attention: the Encounter of the Sun with the Moon Illustration Competition . From there, we had contact with more than 400 visual artists from various parts of the world. Thirty of these professionals went on to make up the Encounter of the Sun with the Moon Exhibition , another initiative that made our hearts beat faster in 2023.

We continued the beautiful project Museu Virtual Nações do Candomblé , with updated images and information about master Mateus Aleluia's cultural expedition across the African Continent, which became an exhibition at Casa do Benin, in Salvador.


Kin, Bel Santos and Valéria at FLIPF, Release of Oxóssi by Edsoleda at Flipelô, Creative writing course with Sara Bertrand, Lecture Writing as mothers with Lilia Gramacho and Sara Bertrand, Release What. It is the time of Alessandro Marimpietri and Esteban Vivaldi.

We participate in important literary events, in Brazil and abroad: Bologna Fair, in Italy, at two stands - Instituto Emília and Brazilian Publishers; Primavera dos Livros , A Feira do Livro and Flisampa , in São Paulo; Flipelô , in Salvador; Flica , in Cachoeira (BA); FLIPF , in Praia do Forte (Mata de São João, BA); Fligê , in Mucugê (BA); Fliti , in Tiradentes (MG); and International Congress of Children's and Young People's Literature , in Ouro Preto (MG). In the latter, we had the honor of welcoming Maria Teresa Andruetto, author of Os Afogados , a book published in the editorial partnership between Selo Emília and Solisluna.

In the area of ​​education, we had two books selected in the PNLD 2022 National Textbook Program: What a crazy animal! (Enéas Guerra); and The union makes the quilt (Antônio Miranda and Enéas Guerra).

We held the popular (rightly!) Creative Writing Workshop Diário de Viagem, with Sara Bertrand. And, of course, many book releases! In fact, two of them signed by Sara: The memory of the forest and Outside, the ghosts . We debuted in the comic book universe, with the graphic novel Roma Negra , by Esteban Vivaldi. We released: Oxóssi , another work from the Lendas Africanas dos Orixás collection, by Edsoleda Santos; Transbordos , by Luiz Afonso Costa; Who do you want to become? , by Norma Teixeira Vicente; Closed Body , by Francisco Lima Cruz Teixeira; What is time? , by psychologist Alessandro Marimpietri; Parelheiros idas e vi(n)das , by Bel Santos Mayer, Childhoods and Writings , both Solisluna/ Selo Emília projects; and A journey into children's rights , which began the Solisluna, Selo Emilia and Reggio Children partnership. To conclude, now in December there are two more releases: Ninoca Dorminhoca , by Natália Paiva and Luci Sacoleira; and Where did my brother come from? , by Tanila Amorim and Camila Alemany.

Releases 2023

And, last but not least, in 2023 we celebrate the work of Enéas Guerra, 73 years old, our co-creator, who for five decades has been a reference in the visual arts not only in Bahia, but in Brazil.

Ah, this year we also brought Solis News to the world , with information about Solisluna. We are already in the sixth edition!

In summary, we can say that 2023 was a wonderful, solar, unique year. A SOLISLUNIC year! Thank you to you, who was part of it. Bring on 2024!

A kiss of sun and moon,


Valeria Pergentino
Creative partner of Solisluna Design Editora



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