newsletter - August 2023

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Hello everything is fine?

You will read in this edition:
- The kiss mark
- A chat with Sara Bertrand
- Solisluna on Flipelô
- Final step to register for the illustration contest
- Creative writing workshop 'Travel Diary'
- Solisluna releases

The kiss mark

This year, when Solisluna turns 30 , we are carrying out several actions to celebrate the date. One of them is the 'Solisluna Illustration Competition - Meeting of the Sun with the Moon', which was the subject of our July newsletter , and whose registrations are in the final stretch.

There is still time to participate, registration closes on August 3rd. The link for information and to register is . The interested party must develop a drawing inspired by the theme 'Meeting the sun with the moon'.

Producing this competition took me back to the origins of our brand. As I wrote in the previous newsletter , Enéas Guerra and I are creative partners at Solisluna and we met in a printing shop in Salvador. After that meeting, we became friends and decided to take a trip to Chapada Diamantina...

Read the full editorial


It seems to me that there is no better experience (after reading, certainly, and after writing, sometimes) than this open meeting with readers. These are moments to stop, fuel the conversation and allow reflections that don’t always happen in everyday life.”

Sara Bertrand

A chat with Sara Bertrand

In August, Chilean author Sara Bertrand arrives in Brazil for a series of activities in Salvador and São Paulo.

The program includes the release of the books 'A Memória do Bosque' and 'Lá fora, os Fantasmas', by Solisluna/Selo Emília, the writing course 'Diário de Viagem', held by Solisluna; chat with readers and mini-course at Flipelô - Pelourinho International Literary Festival.

Born in Santiago, the writer has already been to Bahia once, the occasion of the release of her first title published in Brazil, 'A Mulher da Guarda' (Solisluna/Selo Emília).

In this interview, she talks about the new projects, the relationship with Solisluna and Bahia.

Read the full interview

It happened

Comparative Literature Congress

In July, the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in Salvador, hosted the XVIII International Congress of Abralic (Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature). During the event, Solisluna held an exhibition and sales of its book catalogue.

Images and Imaginaries

Solisluna Editora was also present at the event 'Images and Imaginaries - Meeting to Light Up Ideas and Warm Hearts', about childhood literature, at the Bahia Art Museum (MAB) in Salvador. Editor Valéria Pergentino participated in the chat 'Production Challenges - Edition - Circulation of Books that explore Plurality', and author Edsoleda Santos spoke about 'Plural Imaginaries and their Symbolic Representations in Literature'.

Will happen

Solisluna on Flipelô

With the release of new books, Solisluna has a guaranteed place in the seventh edition of the Pelourinho International Literary Festival (Flipelô), which takes place from the 9th to the 13th of August, in Salvador. Authors Edsoleda Santos, Enéas Guerra, Esteban Vivaldi, Iêda Marques, Lilia Gramacho, Luis Afonso Costa and Sara Bertrand will participate in the event in various spaces in the Historic Center of Salvador.

This year, the honoree is Mãe Stella de Oxóssi (1925-2018). In our catalogue, readers will find the work ' A Ialorixá e o Pajé ', an account of the period when Mãe Stella was still a young nurse. The story narrates a meeting between Mãe Stella and a Shaman, and the exchange of knowledge about plants, medicinal herbs, roots, seeds, leaves and rituals between a person born in Afro-Brazilian culture and another in indigenous culture.

Read more and find out the full program

illustration contest

Last days of registration

We have reached the final stretch of registration for the 'Solisluna Illustration Competition - Meeting of the Sun with the Moon' .
Brazilian and foreign visual artists, aged 21 and over, can participate. The interested party must illustrate, using any physical or digital technique, a drawing inspired by the theme 'Encounter of the sun with the moon'.

Registration closes until 11:59 pm on August 3rd (Thursday).

Creative writing workshop with Sara Bertrand

Organized by Solisluna, the creative writing course 'Diário de Viagem' takes place in Salvador. There will be two classes, on the 7th (Monday) and 8th of August (Tuesday) , always from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Aimed at adults, the objective is to translate everyday observation into text.

“The proposal is to look at our everyday life as something extraordinary, different, and thus perceive the unusual in the ordinary. Any life can be narrated. In other words: we are all a novel to be written and, to do so, we just need to make ourselves available."

vacancies sold out.


“There is no darkness that can resist laughter, there is no sadness that can face tickles. When mom is there, the shadows rest until another day.”
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Outside, the ghosts
the memory of the forest

Trees don't talk! Of course, if you stop in the middle of the woods, you can hear them.
At first, you'll think they're complaining, because your ears are used to the noise of things, so you wait... Read more

Oxóssi lives in the forest with his Ofá (bow and arrow). Smart and quick, he becomes a skilled hunter, an important performance in fulfilling his role as provider of homes. read more

black rome

Three intertwined stories or narratives, with reference to Bahia, Black Rome or Bahia City and the Sea, where everything begins, with the desire to know, and where everything ends, shelter of mysteries and enchantments.

"If adults aren't intelligent, they don't think and they don't protect children."


Children's words evoke distant and ignored worlds and meanings to which we adults are often deaf and insensitive.

So, how about reading and listening to the true and direct voices of children? This is what the book written and illustrated by boys and girls from all over the world proposes, published by Solisluna and Selo Emília in partnership with Reggio Children. Giving children a voice is the courageous adventure of this publication, based on the principles of the Reggio Emilia educational approach, which places children as the primary authors of their own lives.

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solisluna 30 years stamp

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